GRIPS is a geographical information system which supports a modern client server concept. GRIPS is running on different UNIX-platforms and uses the relational database ORACLE. Standards like X11, OSF/MOTIF and SQL are completely implemented. GRIPS can deal with raster-and vector-data-structures. GRIPS is the base module for several object-oriented applications for electricity, water, gas, distance heating and various solutions for municipalities, like public planning, public utilities, landuse and zoning of areas. GRIPS and applications are using already more than 300 organisations. POPPENHAGER GRIPS GMBH also offers services like surveying, data-capture, geomatics consulting, applications development, systems integration, scanning and plotting services and data conversion. We also provide customer support and trainings.

Frank-Martin Adrat

Leiter Marketing
Poppenhager Grips Gmbh
Pfalzbahnstrasse 20
Neunkirchen, 66538
06821-24066117 (fax)

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